Hey, it's Tom from Lucky Devil. I don’t know how else to explain what Lucky Devil is to me, other than just going for it, so here it goes. Lucky Devil is mesh of all of the styles and influences I had growing up in So.Cal. (Ventura) From the surfing to the skateboarding, to the car culture and the music scene, from vintage to the odd, I am down with it all. I have always felt super fortunate, from when my single mother was doing everything she could to keep us at the beach to marrying my best friend and getting back to the beach. Some of my biggest influences were just some of the local charters around town and people from all the different scenes we get in So Cal. All of the stuff assembled here are designed and printed here in Ventura or as “locally” as we can get them made. We are trying to get as much as we can manufactured in American as well. Our goal is to make quality goods, keep it as local as possible, pay a few bills and have a Good Time Doin It. Hope you dig it.
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Tom R